Monday, April 24, 2006

Our House

This is the cabin where I was born! You can see our little solar array on the second floor (that'll be my room one day, once I can get up the ladder). It's melted everywhere else in our town, except at our house!

Monday, April 17, 2006

shivering gypsies


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Life is good

I made friends with a ladybug. Then I gum-
med her to death.


Little Known Fact

Unlike most babies, I actually grew OUT of my fathers chest.

Anglopino, Filiwegian or just plain cute?

Dad's Filipino, mom's an Anglo saxon/Norwegian, I guess that makes me an Anglopino,
or a Filiwegian...

My First Boat Ride

That's me working the crowd on my first boat ride.
I dig the rocking motion of the boat - it was kinda like being in the womb.

We Live in the Woods

We have to hike down a trail to our "Little Cabin in the Woods". Dad hauls the water, while mom carries me in a cozy Baby Bjorn covered with a fleece blanket.

It's Still Winter Where I Live

I have been going on walks with my mom recently. Alaska is pretty cool.