Red is my color, so is blue. Why do they make so many baby clothes in pastel colors? Don't you know we can just mostly see black and white and bright colors?
I've made some friends already, but I've been warned about older women. Look, Thea is already holding my hand! I was just trying to take a nap on her shoulder.
This is a picture of mom, and me doing my very favorite thing, nursing. I LOVE to nurse. I LOVE to nurse before I go to sleep, I LOVE to nurse right after I wake up. And in between I LOVE to dream about nursing! I have this theory that all those adults sucking down warm cups of milk and caffiene and coffee are just trying to reenact the loving high they got from their mama's bosom. (Or trying to make up for the lack of it.) But what do I know, I'm just a baby.
My parents like to get me all bundled up before they take me outside. It is Alaska in the middle of winter, but still... I'm not sure how I feel about the carseat.
They thought I was going to be chubby when I was born (mostly because Mom got really chubby during her pregnancy) but I came out long and lean. I was 22 inches long, and 7 pounds 2 ounces. My little belly button still hasn't fallen off in this picture.
And check out that diaper... it's bigger than my head!